Cost Calculator

Cost Calculator

Calculator tools make it easy to figure out the cost of each electrical service

How much does an electrician cost?

The cost of electrical services will vary greatly depending on what you’re hiring an electrician for. For example, it should not cost $1,000 to install a bath fan, but it could cost over $5,000 to install a generator. There are other variables to also consider; are they a licensed and bonded electrician that you’re hiring or an unlicensed local handyman? When it comes to electrical inspections and permits, the project size matters.

  1. An electrical panel upgrade cost, ranges from $537 (low end) to $1,930 (high end). The national average cost for an electrical panel upgrade is $1,180.
  2. Hiring an electrician to install electrical wiring can cost anywhere from $557 to $2,202. Do you have to rewire your entire house or just a room? The national average cost for installing electrical wiring in a house can cost $1,352.
  3. Hiring an electrician to install an outlet can cost on average $132 to $291. Of course, your local handyman could do a small electrical job like installing an outlet for a lower price. Still, there’s always a higher risk that something could go wrong when using an unlicensed electrical contractor. The national average cost for outlet installation is $211.
  1. The cost to repair an electrical panel can be $537 (low end) to $1,930 (high end). The national average cost to repair an electrical panel is $1,180.
  2. The cost to repair an attic fan is $185 to $402. The national average cost for attic fan repair is $294. 
  3. The cost to repair a generator is anywhere from $160 to $364. The national average generator repair cost is $262.
  4. The cost to repair a lighting fixture is between $110 to $285. The national average lighting fixture repair cost is $196.
  5. The cost to repair a ceiling fan is $87 to $195. The national average ceiling fan repairs cost is $138.
  6. The cost to repair a bath fan is $143 to $370. The national average cost to repair a bath fan is $255.
  1. The average cost for an electrical inspection is $162 to $522. The national average cost for an electrical inspection is $365. The cost for electrical inspections varies depending on several factors, such as how big your home is. Is the inspector charging a flat fee, or is it an electrician charging an hourly rate? Search for “electrical inspections near me” on Google so that you can find multiple inspectors to get quotes from. But as always, price should not be the number one factor to consider when searching for electrical work and inspections. You want to make sure you’re going with a trustworthy, licensed, and reputable inspector. Always check the company’s reviews online, BBB, and Yelp ratings.
  2. The average cost for an electrical permit ranges from $424 to $2,315. The national average cost for an electrical permit is $1,340. The cost for an electrical permit varies depending on how complex the project is. In addition, the cost of a permit varies depending on the type of work you had done. For example, if you remodel your basement, home, or an entire building, this involves electrical, plumbing, heating, and cooling, so a permit for all of this work could end up costing close to $2,000. On the other hand, if you only replaced your main living room glass window or built a porch, a permit could cost you $50- $200.
  1. Disclosures: Electricians all charge different fees, and the cost of each service will vary, so understand that these are only estimates using the national averages. We also provide the cost of each electrical service based on the low end and high end. These averages have been collected from several reputable sources and by collecting information from electricians all across the nation. The point of this calculator is to give you an idea of how much it will cost to hire an electrician for whatever electrical service you’re inquiring about. Also, not all electricians charge a flat fee; some will bill based on the cost per hour.

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