Smoke Detectors

Protect Your Home with Our Smoke Detector Services

Some of the most overlooked safety devices in homes are smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. They are the best life-saving investment for your home and your family. Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors have saved the lives of countless people. Since fires and carbon monoxide leaks aren’t uncommon, you must protect your home from deadly gases and smoke. If you need to install smoke detectors in your home, contact the team of electricians at Field Wire Electric. We care about you, your home, and your safety, so we are always ready to help you.

We back up our work with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Call our smoke detector experts today at (617) 454-7132 to schedule an appointment!

Maintain Your Smoke Detectors

While we strongly recommend carbon monoxide detectors, only smoke detectors are mandatory. This device can save the life of your entire family in a matter of seconds because they provide early warning to help prevent fire fatalities. The National Fire Protection Agency recommends your smoke detectors be replaced every five years to ensure the reliability of all of the components. It’s also important to have your detectors hardwired with a battery backup for emergencies. Field Wire Electric electricians are experts in installing smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors throughout your home. Our expert technicians are happy to advise you on the best unit for your home and help you maintain a schedule for maintenance and battery replacement.

Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Carbon monoxide poisoning can be a serious threat to your health. Of all of the poisoning death causes in the United States, carbon monoxide poisoning is one of the most common. If undetected, this leaking gas can kill an entire family in a matter of hours or minutes. Because it lacks color, taste, and odor, it is among the most dangerous home hazards—however, carbon monoxide poisoning is 100% preventable with a detector. Installing reputable carbon monoxide detectors can be the literal difference between life and death.

Some of the most common systems within a home can release carbon monoxide, including:

  • Gas range
  • Stove
  • Gas clothes dryer
  • Water heater
  • Furnace
  • Gas or wood fireplace
  • Space heaters
  • Car exhaust
  • Charcoal grills
  • Clogged chimneys or flues
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